Customer case
香港百威自16年起开始发力开拓国内市场,本着品牌年轻化、产品科技化的产品开发定位进行全面的产品战略升级,引入世界顶级IP迪士尼人物形象,提升品牌形象,加强品牌力,助力渠道推广,拉动终端销售。公司主营产品包括曲奇饼干、糖果、巧克力以及节日礼盒等,目前国内市场销售额已突破亿元大关。 Since the 16th year, Budweiser has been working hard to open up the domestic market. Based on the product development orientation of brand rejuvenation and product technology, we have carried out a comprehensive product strategy upgrade, introducing the world's top IP Disney characters, enhancing the brand image and strengthening brand power. Promote channel promotion and drive terminal sales. The company's main products include cookies, candy, chocolate and holiday gift boxes. At present, the domestic market sales have exceeded 100 million yuan. -
海天是国内专业的调味品生产企业,溯源于清乾隆年间的佛山酱园,至今已有近300年的历史,产品涵盖了酱油、蚝油、醋、调味酱、鸡精、味精、油类、小调味品等八大系列200多个规格和品种。我司获得浙江商超渠道省级代理。 Haitian is a professional condiment manufacturer in China.Our company has obtained the provincial agent of Zhejiang Shangchao Channel.